Must read tips from the experts
Must read tips from the experts
Must read tips from the experts
Another area that holds a lot of toxins is the mouth! It bares the brunt of any chemicals we put in our bodies from the food and drink we consume but if we oil pull with something like Oral Swishing Oil, we can pull these toxins out and expel them before they absorb back into the body. Not only does this lighten the toxic load on our system, it can also help to clear skin, freshen breath and whiten teeth.
Our bodies actually need to sweat so allowing them to by using a natural deodorant like Axilla Deodorant Paste™, without the nasty chemicals or sweat blockers, means it can release the toxins it needs to get rid of.
Chey Birch | CEO and Founder
Favourite product: Cleanse My Face
Set out when you’re going to exercise, what exercise you’e going to do and for how long.
Your goal/s should be attainable and even if you have set backs along the way, instead of giving up, remember with a little hard work you can and will achieve whatever you set your mind to.
Lizzie Bland | Lean Bean Fitness
Favourite product: Axilla Deodorant Paste™
Set out when you’re going to exercise, what exercise you’e going to do and for how long.
Your goal/s should be attainable and even if you have set backs along the way, instead of giving up, remember with a little hard work you can and will achieve whatever you set your mind to.
Lizzie Bland | Lean Bean Fitness
Favourite product: Axilla Deodorant Paste™
When it comes to fresh produce, seasonal food is bursting with flavour and has the highest nutrient value. Produce cultivated in its season are picked at its best state and tastes the yummiest.
Start small and cook more for dinner so you can takeaway the rest for lunch the next day or re-purpose last night’s food by adding some grains to make for a tasty and convenient work lunch.
Lee Holmes | Supercharged Food
Favourite product: Love Your Body Oil
Pillows whether natural or synthetic can harbour mold spores, dust mites and the synthetic ones can additionally give off micro plastic dusts that we breath in during the night.
Try and air it in the sun each month to ensure you kill bugs and mold spores that might be lurking around.
Alexx Stuart | Low Tox Life
Favourite product: Cuprum Tongue Cleaner
DON'T recycle your old resolutions. These are the previous year’s resolutions you’ve dusted off and are giving a second chance. They’re back again because the only place they lived for 12 months… was in your head.
DON'T be unrealistic. Start out with one or two achievable goals instead of ending up with a humongous to do list that likely isn't going to get done.
DO choose one or two of your biggest goals and focus on those.
DO your research and find out what you need to know and do to achieve it.
DO write out a plan and make sure you insert short term and long term rewards.
Silvana La Pegna | Self Development Coach
Favourite product: Balm of Ages™
Another area that holds a lot of toxins is the mouth! It bares the brunt of any chemicals we put in our bodies from the food and drink we consume but if we oil pull with something like Oral Swishing Oil, we can pull these toxins out and expel them before they absorb back into the body. Not only does this lighten the toxic load on our system, it can also help to clear skin, freshen breath and whiten teeth.
Our bodies actually need to sweat so allowing them to by using a natural deodorant like Axilla Deodorant Paste™, without the nasty chemicals or sweat blockers, means it can release the toxins it needs to get rid of.
Chey Birch | CEO and Founder
Favourite product: Cleanse My Face
When it comes to fresh produce, seasonal food is bursting with flavour and has the highest nutrient value. Produce cultivated in its season are picked at its best state and tastes the yummiest.
Start small and cook more for dinner so you can takeaway the rest for lunch the next day or re-purpose last night’s food by adding some grains to make for a tasty and convenient work lunch.
Lee Holmes | Supercharged Food
Favourite product: Love Your Body Oil
Pillows whether natural or synthetic can harbour mold spores, dust mites and the synthetic ones can additionally give off micro plastic dusts that we breath in during the night.
Try and air it in the sun each month to ensure you kill bugs and mold spores that might be lurking around.
Alexx Stuart | Low Tox Life
Favourite product: Cuprum Tongue Cleaner
DON'T recycle your old resolutions. These are the previous year’s resolutions you’ve dusted off and are giving a second chance. They’re back again because the only place they lived for 12 months… was in your head.
DON'T be unrealistic. Start out with one or two achievable goals instead of ending up with a humongous to do list that likely isn't going to get done.
DO choose one or two of your biggest goals and focus on those.
DO your research and find out what you need to know and do to achieve it.
DO write out a plan and make sure you insert short term and long term rewards.
Silvana La Pegna | Life Coach
Favourite product: Balm of Ages™
Our Complete Gym Time Essentials Pack contains everything you need to deodorise, moisturise, restore and refresh PLUS a brand new gym bag sorted.
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