Tips and Tricks

2 Things To Do This New Years by Alexx Stuart

2 Things To Do This New Years by Alexx Stuart

How long ago was it that you replaced your pillow and if it's a new-ish pillow are you airing it and sunning it monthly?

Well... pillows whether natural or synthetic can harbour mold spores, dust mites and the synthetic ones can additionally give off micro plastic dusts that we breath in during the night.

How about hitting the sales productively, with a high impact investment of a new 100% natural latex pillow. You could also explore cotton fill or wool fill pillows if you prefer the feel.

Feather tends to be the most contaminated by molds off the shelf and is often the product of horribly cruel live-plucking practices, so with all of those as a guideline, grab your new pillow this January. Then?

Try and air it in the sun each month to ensure you kill bugs and mold spores that might be lurking around. You're welcome!

One of the things I absolutely cannot do without is my Black Chicken Remedies copper tongue scraper.

Tongue scraping is the easiest little 10 second ritual you can start your day with, so that any bacteria that took up residence of the unsavoury kind, is scraped off rather than swallowed back with the morning lemon water. Ewwww, right?

Never again. Scrape from the back to the front a few times in quick succession and spit and rinse and spit again - you can then do oil pulling too if you want to turbo charge this practice a couple of times a week.

Learn more about Black Chicken Remedies Cuprum Tongue Cleaner and Oral Swishing Oil

How long ago was it that you replaced your pillow and if it's a new-ish pillow are you airing it and sunning it monthly?

Well... pillows whether natural or synthetic can harbour mold spores, dust mites and the synthetic ones can additionally give off micro plastic dusts that we breath in during the night.

How about hitting the sales productively, with a high impact investment of a new 100% natural latex pillow. You could also explore cotton fill or wool fill pillows if you prefer the feel.

Feather tends to be the most contaminated by molds off the shelf and is often the product of horribly cruel live-plucking practices, so with all of those as a guideline, grab your new pillow this January. Then?

Try and air it in the sun each month to ensure you kill bugs and mold spores that might be lurking around. You're welcome!

One of the things I absolutely cannot do without is my Black Chicken Remedies copper tongue scraper.

Tongue scraping is the easiest little 10 second ritual you can start your day with, so that any bacteria that took up residence of the unsavoury kind, is scraped off rather than swallowed back with the morning lemon water. Ewwww, right?

Never again. Scrape from the back to the front a few times in quick succession and spit and rinse and spit again - you can then do oil pulling too if you want to turbo charge this practice a couple of times a week.

Learn more about Black Chicken Remedies Cuprum Tongue Cleaner and Oral Swishing Oil

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